Sunday, April 11, 2010

First day of my diet

After having Alexander in November, I thought that I would of shed all of the baby weight before I started back to work. I have been back to work for six weeks now and I still have 10 more pounds to lose of the baby weight. Being a new mother I under estimated the actual time I would have to work out while home with Xander for the 3 months. He didn't nap on his own much and would need to be held for him to take a long nap, which left me with no time to exercise. I loved my cuddle time with Xander and wouldn't change it for the world.

Andrew said once I went back to work I could join weight watchers or any program I wanted and he would fully support me. Today I decided was the day to join weight watchers. I had done this program before the wedding and was able to lose 30 pounds and shed inches off of my body. I am hopeful that it will work again for me. I plan on sticking to my points I'm allowed for the day and then the extra allowance points. My workout program will mostly be taking Alexander for long walks each day after work, and I hope to be able to find time to do a few workout videos in the apartment 3 times a week.

Today is the first day to a new healthier lifestyle...